Josh, now 8 1/2 months old, has decided he is finished nursing. We are going on our fourth day now of him not eating and I'm really quite sad about it. I thought at first he was just sick, maybe Emma shared her ear infection with him, but no... he's perfectly fine. It's so odd! I nursed him Thursday night and then Friday morning he didn't want to have anything to do with it. I tried 5 different times that morning and nothing, just crying and wanting to sit up. I thought maybe he wasn't hungry so made a bottle to test that theory, and lo and behold, he chugs down nearly 8 OUNCES! I have tried to feed him when he's in a great mood and all he does is bite my nipple and then smile at me as he's doing it... OUCH! (Thank goodness he only has two teeth!) I'm really having a hard time with it. I love nursing Josh in the morning right after he wakes up and right before bed time, to let him unwind. I guess it's just weird to me now because I've always been the one to start weaning the kids but this time, Josh is the one in-control. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. :)
Also, I was thinking yesterday how this could be it for me. Jake has mentioned several times how he feels three is a great number and he is happy where we are at. I hate being pregnant, but still thought we would have one more. It's not to say we won't for sure, but still, it's a huge possibility that we could be done and I guess I'm not emotionally prepared for that, especially with my little munchkin deciding he's too old to nurse. I thought I still had a good 4 or 5 months left with him. Oh well. I just better savor this time as he crawls around the house, eating Truman's food and giving me big slobbery kisses. Soon he won't want to have anything to do with me... SIGH.
(As for the pics: 1. I took this one today after we got home from Costco. He was in such a happy mood (which he usually is, 99% of the time!) 2. Josh loves Truman and when I put the dog outside, Josh will pull himself up to the window and stare at him. The last two pics are of Jake's dad feeding Josh nutella and whipped cream. As you can see... Josh is in heaven!)
A Clumsy Pondering on Asherah, Wisdom, Mom
4 years ago
Ahhh, I'm sorry! I know how you feel - Kayden quit nursing around 8 months too, it was horrible! I love nursing, and I definitely was not ready for him to be done... What a cute dude though - nutella is YUMMY.
Rejection stinks! I am sorry he stopped nursing. Hopefully, you can still find special cuddle time in the day. He is one cute kid!
It's a hard day when you realize your little baby isn't so little anymore. *hugs* Looks like he's going to grow up to be a heart breaker too!
Hey guys Its Chauncey. Just thought I would drop you a little note. Just looked at your blog and you guys have a very cute family. I just can't help but think back to the good ol' days in Rexburg. Those days are really fond in my memory. We all had a really good time. And now look at us. We are all old and have a bagillion kids. Anyway good to see you guys are doing so well and enjoying life.
I had to stop breastfeeding Emmy right before we went to Portugal a couple weeks ago. This is the first time since May of 2005 that I haven't been pregnant or breastfeeding. It's weird having my body back. Now I'm going to have to eat like a normal person again :(
Yeah, sometimes I miss the whole nursing thing. It's just an awesome bond-type thing that you get with your own little baby that nobody else can share. Chad and I have talked about stopping after 3 as well. Obviously, we'll decide when we're there, but I feel good about it now. Oh, I was playing with some of the pictures we took out there, and there's one of Josh and one of Emma that make their eyes look crazy blue(well, they are razy blue, but they look even crazier). I'll have to send them to you, even though I know you already have them...just not the enhanced versions.
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