I think Jamie would probably want me to send this out. The surgery started about three hours later than we thought it would, so it didn't wrap up until about 10:30 pm. The surgeon told us that Jamie did great. Unfortunately, he had to take both the lower and middle lobes of the right lung (we were hoping to be able to avoid losing the lower lobe). Jamie is moving from the OR to her room in the ICU and we will be able to see her in a few minutes. I'll update a little later with more information, and I'm sure she'll want to post some of the gross pictures they took during the surgery, but I'll do my darnedest to dissuade her. I suspect she'll win that argument. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Update: If you want to see pictures of the surgery, including some blood, organs, and other potentially gross things, please see below:
A Clumsy Pondering on Asherah, Wisdom, Mom
5 years ago
Thanks for the update! We hope you recover quickly Jamie.
Thanks! I've been waiting to here. Get well soon Jamie, you are super woman!
It makes us feel like family to share thoughts and experiences. Hope you are sleeping and comfortable.
Thanks for the update! I was in the temple yesterday praying for her and glad to hear it went well.
Glad to hear things went well! Thanks for the update! Hang in there Jamie and family!
Wow the addition to the update is graphic. haha I hope they are giving her lots of pain meds. Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts to you Jamie! We love you!
So glad it went well! Thanks for the update and please let us know how recovery goes. We love you!
Oh Jamie, wishing you a quick and cancer free recovery! Lots of love Mindy
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the surgery went well. I for one loved the pictures....maybe it is the nurse in me! Here is to a speedy recovery Jamie!
I'm so glad things went well. Those are some pretty gnarly pics! It's just amazing what modern medicine can do. Best wishes for a smooth and quick recovery!
I'm so glad things went well. Those are some pretty gnarly pics! It's just amazing what modern medicine can do. Best wishes for a smooth and quick recovery!
Glad to hear that she's doing as well as possible, and thanks for the update, Jake, I've been checking to see what was going on. We'll keep praying and I think the surgery pictures would be cool. :)
Still in my many thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about you! Hope to hear you're recovering well also!
Jamie, I am so behind in the blogging world! I am so sorry. I couldn't believe what I was reading but so relieved that you seem to be doing so well. I am so glad and grateful that you are documenting everything so we can keep tabs on you. You are such a trooper! The crazy thing is, a few days ago I was thinking of you, thinking that "Jamie really needs to get better!" Well, at least they know now why you have been so sick! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! Keep on keeping on! Lots of love to you!
I love that you posted pictures. I would totally do the same. Thanks for the constant updates.
How did you get such great intraoperative pictures?! Crazy to see those giant chunks of lung outside of your body :P. Good riddance, Mr. Tumor.
We'll come bug you tomorrow.
I'm happy to hear they say it went well. Now all our thoughts are for your recovery.
I also liked seeing the pics - didn't like the fact that it was my friend cut open though - that thought made me sick to my stomach but now you have pics to show how tough you are! (not that 3 C-sections didn't give that away;)) Love you!
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