So, as funny as this might sound, it's really not that funny. Today as I was getting dinner ready, I stubbed my toe really hard. Truman, our dog, was sprawled out in the kitchen and I was trying not to step on him and instead slammed my toe into the side of a drawer. I almost kicked the dog out of frustration and pain. Jake laughed and then quickly apologized. I told him it really hurt and I probably broke or sprained it. He said there was no way I could have done that just by smacking it. Well, 2 hours later it's turning bluish purple (can't tell so much in the picture) and it's pretty swollen (twice the size of my other pinky toe.) It hurts to walk on it or even slightly bend it. I'm REALLY hoping it's just jammed and a few days off of it will fix it. I guess this week I better take it easy and focus more on cross training than running... which I really do NOT want to do. Geez, of all injuries I could have, it would have to be something with my feet. That's just plain annoying! If anyone can give me some advice or have had a similar experience, tell me what you did.
Ouch!! I hope the swelling goes down soon. It's so frustrating when you get an injury like that. Take it easy and elevate your foot. That should help the swelling. :)
I hope you didn't break it! Keep some ice on it. I think the rule is ice for the first 24 hours and then heat for the next 24, but I'm not sure. Good luck with that.
Isn't RICE always the best way to fix an injury? I'm not sure about toes but just in case -
Good luck!!
Hey, my mom recently broke her pinki toe and it's awful. You have to be soooo careful with it becuase it can re-break really easily. She had to wear a boot for quite a while. Although a small break, because it's a foot injury and we walk on our feet you have to be super careful with it to heal, so make sure you take care of it!
I did that to my finger this summer! It might be fractured, if it doesn't go down today, I'd maybe see if you can get it checked out. I dunno what to do with toes, but they usually tape your fingers so you don't bend them as much. That sucks, James. I'm sorry!
That sure looks swolen and painful! I've dislocated my toe before and I feel for you.
There's only one answer for an injury of that nature....amputation.
Sorry. I hope it feels better soon. I would be lifting weights for a few days instead of running at all to let it recover.
You've had all kinds of great advice, but it sounds like you're doing the right things. As someone who has broken her pinkie toe before, they said that pretty much all you can do is tape it to the one next to it and not run or do strenuous things for a couple of weeks.
Yeah, have you thought about Karma lately? Is there something you need to make right? :) Just kidding. It's just another hurdle to the beautiful, healthy you and you'll fly over it with no problem because you are superwoman.
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