We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. As frustrating as moving can be, it would have been much worse if we didn't have so many great people helping us out. Thanks to Whitney, who came up for her Thanksgiving Break and got much more than she bargained for (more than just turkey and stuffing!) She made the whole weekend a lot easier on us. Also, thanks to all of Jake's family who are always here when we need them, and so willing to do whatever is needed. Thank you Grammy and Grandpa, Kristen, Teresa, Shilo, Tom Christopherson, and James Harris. If we were rich I would buy you all something real nice, but since we're not, a nice little "thank you" will have to do. ;)
As for the house, we LOVE it! If I would have known owning a home felt this good, we would have tried to buy sooner. Jake and I feel very blessed to be in such a beautiful house. We went to our new ward on Sunday and they were all very welcoming. In fact, the Bishop took us to each of our classes (even the kids' to their classes) and everyone seemed to flock to us, wanting to meet us. It felt wonderful. We learned there are two families just a block away with boys around Ben's age. There are two girls who are almost exactly Emma's age too. I'm excited to start planning some playdates.
The last three pictures are of the kids "helping" me pack last week. I had to throw those in there because it was too funny. They loved playing with all the boxes and Emma actually grew quite attached to one box and was sad to see it go when we finally had to use it. Why do we even buy them expensive toys?? I say 5 cardboard boxes for each kid this Christmas and they will be set!
By the way, I'm working on getting some pics up of the house. Jake's mom is helping me paint the kids' rooms tomorrow, so I will make sure to post pics after we are finished. Keep checking back for more fun at the Schipaanboord's!

Happy home-owning. It was a fun weekend
Oh my gosh, you guys are cute. I'm jealous of your big beautiful house. My house is coming along, but it would have been nice to just move into a place like yours. The ward sounds perfect, and it's nice to have kids your kids age around. Your outfit looks hot. Is it new? I need to get some new clothes...well, NEED is a very tricky word. I guess I would really love some new clothes. Christmas is coming, but I would hate Chad to try and buy me an outfit. I'd end up looking like someone on uglyoutfits.com. He won't do giftcards because they don't require much thought. Anyway, I'm excited for you guys.
YEA! Sounds exahsting, so I'm ashamed to say I am somewhat glad we were out of town this past week :)! Hope it wasn't too bad with all three kiddos. I don't know how you do it all! Seriously. I can't wait to see it! If you need help painting again, or doing anything else I'm game. I LOVE to paint. Expecially when I don't have to watch babies while doing it :). My favorite part of the post is that Ben is holding what I assume is a pokemon card. I don't know that I have ever seen Ben NOT holding a pokemon card. CUTE!
That is awesome, Congrats again! We are excited for you guys and are definitely looking forward to a house as well. And I second Ashleigh, you outfit looks GREAT!
So AWESOME! This is my most favorite picture of you guys. You seriously look amazing, Jamie! Great style
I love your new house - I can't wait to see more pictures or better yet see the real thing!
Owning a home really is the best - enjoy!
Congratulations! 8 times in 6 1/2 years is a lot of times to move! I bet you're gonna miss those 900 ct cinderblock walls at least a little though..hehe.
About Thanksgiving..yes, we STILL have leftovers although not as many as we probably should for the amount I cooked. I would have probably messed up the gravy too had my stepmom, the Paula Dean of our family, hadnt been there to help!
We're doing well. Adam is sooo close to getting a new job..we're pretty anxious to get him into a different position with less hrs. (He added up his work hrs and he has at this moment worked his yr, so he works an extra ONE MONTH a YR with this job! yuck!
K, end of book...
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