Saturday, August 28, 2010


I've thought a lot this past week (well, really, the past few months) about life, priorities, etc.  Sort of happens when someone tells you you have cancer.  On Tuesday night I was lucky enough to hear Julie De Azvedo-Hanks, an LDS singer/songwriter and marriage and family therapist, speak to women in my church.  I just want to say, I aspire to be Julie.  She has 10 CDs, plays beautiful piano and of course sings like an angel.  Not just that, she is a mom, and also counsels others and helps them get through their rough times.  Wow!  What an inspiration.  After her counseling session with us women, I felt the overwhelming need to be more gentle with myself.  It reminded me of a song written by Michael McLean called "Gentle."  I used to play this song all the time when I was younger, even performed it a time or two.  The whole song is very simple, but so powerful.  As I sing it now, as a grown woman and mother nearing the big 3-0 and contemplating my life and my priorities, I realize the lyrics are so right-on.  We go through so much in this world, especially us women, and we need to be Gentle.  Be gentle with others, but more importantly, with ourselves.  Too often I know I try to be superwoman.  I want to be 100% at everything I do.  Then when I'm not 'perfect', I feel like I've failed.  How many do that?  Lots of us.  I need to remember to be gentle like my Savior is with me.  He knows what I'm going through.  The times when I struggle, I just have to remember He is always there.

So, as a reminder for me to slow down and be easy on myself, I pulled out this old song of mine from my past, tried out Garageband for the first time, and pluncked down a few tracks.  Don't judge me.  I sang it once, didn't like the key, changed it, then just kept my first takes on both the piano and vocals.  I have no standup mic, so just used the built-in on my iMac.  (I did mix my vocals up a little with some "Live performance" editing option, to add some spice.)  I've missed singing.  It used to be such a huge part of my life.  Hopefully this will motivate me to do it more (and to learn the program so I can make it sound more professional. ;) )  So, to all of us, me included... let's be more gentle with ourselves.



Ashleigh said...

One of my favorites! It's definitely a powerful song. I sang along with your recording...of course, I sang it up a 3rd. It's how I roll and you love it when I do it.

sportyrls said...

Jamie, you are so amazing! I miss hearing you sing and play. What a beautiful song and beautiful message : ).

Becky said...

Great job Jamie! You are awesome. You are doing an amazing job. Thanks for sharing.

Shana said...

Thank-you Jamie.

Stephanie said...

Hi Jamie! It's me Stephanie Dewey(Vrtiska) :) I am so glad that I got an email from your sister with your blog address on it. I cannot believe you had lung cancer! I just spent a lot of time reading all your posts. You are an amazing person! I am glad that everythin went well for your surgery. I voted for you on facebook:) Take care and good luck! I have saved your blog address now. I have a blog as well. It is
I love blogs. It's such an amazing way to keep in touch with friends and family.

Megan said...

I had no idea you're such a talented singer and pianist! That was beautiful. Good for you for sharing that with us all!

Gramma Cyddie said...

Beautiful! One of my favs and I needed that reminder today! Love you!!!

Zach said...

Good to hear you singing again :)If you want some recording pointers... you know to come... Greg.

Naomi said...

Love the song! (and the post). So true how easy it is to be hard on ourselves - women particularly.
love you!