WRONG! Since my little leg problem I've started low impact exercises, as prescribed by my dr. I went to my first spin class a week ago and LOVED it! I was drenched with sweat 15 minutes into the workout and knew this was something that could help keep my cardio up while I was recovering from my tibia injury. Well, the day after my first class I felt pretty raw from the bike seat. I ordered some padded shorts from Amazon and hoped that would solve the problem. I went a few days later and again, great workout, and I wasn't too sore after. Score. Fast-forward to this morning, well... I guess more like last night. My cough kept me up pretty late, then woke me up two or three times. So needless to say when my alarm woke me up at 5am for my 5:30am spin class, I really wanted to hit the snooze. I knew my good friend, Meighan, was coming though so I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed and headed out the door at 5:15am. We walked into the gym with a minute or two to spare and I realized I had left my water bottle in the car. Meighan went ahead and saved a bike for me while I got my water. All the bikes had already been saved except one, so I got the last bike in the room, the one in the very corner. Not a big deal. Well, there is a reason why it is the last bike chosen. The seat was about the size of my fist, very small, not even big enough for my 2 year old's butt. And it was hard. Very hard. I could have just rode a big metal rod for an hour and it would have felt the exact same, or maybe even a tad more comfortable. To make matters worse, the dial to crank up the resistance made a high-pitch squealing sound when I turned it to the medium to medium-hard range. So I had two options, easy or hard, because I didn't want to make a dying calf sound the entire hour workout, annoying not only me, but the 25 people in the room around me. 2 minutes on my steel-plated saddle and I was swearing in my head. Each time the instructor would tell us to stand up and then sit back down I would make grunting and groaning sounds that were not human. The hardcore roadie next to me probably thought I was really enjoying the class. Little did he know I was about to scream out in excruciating pain, wondering each second if I could actually cause myself to bleed down there if I continued. And yes... I did continue. How could I get off 10 minutes into the class and walk out? I'm not a weenie. I'm a warrior... and that's what I tell myself now as I ice myself in various regions that should never have to be iced. UGH. Next class we will be 10 minutes early so we get the bikes with bigger, padded seats that don't make dying cow noises when you ride them!
Oh my goodness! I am sorry, but this post really makes me laugh. You are amazing to sick the whole class out. Sorry about the pain.
I promise your nether regions get accustomed to those pain in the but (literally) seats. I sat on one for 60 miles.
If you are honestly interested in biking I am always looking for girls to go with me. I am confident that you are in better shape than me and it is considerably more fun to bike outdoors. Just let me know...join the dark side...
I litterly peed myself laughing! wished I'd have been there to see
Thanks for the laugh! Love reading about your road to fitness! Keep it up warrior!
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