The picture above I just had to post. Our Obama sign went missing Sunday. It was gone when we got home from church. I found it yesterday morning, crumpled up in the gutter down the street. Jake said the wind did it, but I find it very hard to believe that the wind would bend both rods in half, and then the middle piece in half as well. Our neighbors' signs are still up so I'm not buying it. I tried to bend the rods back as best as I could and I jammed the sign back into the lawn. It looks very beat up, but who cares. I think it has character now. ;) Also, one funny story before I end about my voting experience. I arrived to vote 20 minutes before the polls opened and was voter #4. Voter #3 (I'll call him Bob) told me he was saving a spot for his son, who had to be to work early and I said that was fine. When his son got there, Bob started speaking out loud for all in the line to hear how this was the "worst day in history" and our nation was "going to fall apart." Then I heard Bob tell his son that if Obama gets elected he's going to stock up on ammo and gallons of gasoline this week. WHAT THE HECK?! All I have to say is I live around some big CRAZIES!
If you haven't seen Obama's acceptance speech, here it is:
Last night was an amazing night.. and I don't mean with chad :) I was glued to the tv, and Obama's speech was absolutely moving! I'm so happy that I was able to witness the history. It is time to Unite! I heard something today that I thought summed it up. People were writting on KSL that they wouldn't consider Obama their president, and Doug Wright said that it was silly, like considering that the person flying your airplane wasn't your pilot. He went on by saying hey you're on that airplane and you're in seat B3. I'm excited to see what the next 4 years bring. I also really enjoyed McCain's speech last night. Very gracious!
Oh, there is still plenty down we can still go! Although not always in agreeance (however the heck you would spell that) I will always support my president.
Darn Utahns! ;) We had a group of lesbians stealing our Prop 8 signs here too. I say next election cycle we attach the signs to an electric dog fence to teach the vandals a lesson.
Wonderful speeches by both. Lets hope he can get us out of this mess.
Hey, Jamie. I check your blog every oncce in a while and you've lost 23 lbs? Holy....good job! You are such a neat person! and thanks for posting Obama's speech. I missed some of it!
I agree. Obama and McCain both gave great speeches. It is so easy to have such respect for them when they are so respectful to each other. I'm ready to totally support the new presidency. So what that I'm a repub. It is time to come together. I too, am excited for him to take office. Really, can it get much worse than what Bush has done? I don't think so.
I thought Obama's speech was inspiring. I'm really hopefully that things will change for the better. I've heard a lot of crazy things about Obama the past few days, some that completely crossed the line in my opinion. I don't understand why people are so "dooms day" about it. I personally voted for Obama, but only my husband knows it. I already know my friends and parents opinion and I don't think my point of view will change anything. Oh well, I guess we'll all see what happens.
Oh and my due date is June 15th! Yeah!
Well hope your right about Obama cause so far all we have heard is his lies so maybe he can fix all that now that he is president but i cant say i am happy about that but totally support your decision to like him!! Hope your doing well
Hahaha! Silly Republicans :) I LOVE how you put the sign back up.
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