Today Josh took his first steps and we were all excited for him. He seemed to love watching us cheer him on, and then tease us as he decided whether or not he would put on a show for the family. I managed to record him walking on the camcorder, the video setting with my camera, and then took a few cute still shots, too. (Check out the video of him taking his first steps!) I told Jake I need to make sure I document this well, just like I did with the other two kids. I don't want Josh looking at his baby pictures and wondering why he has half the amount as the others. Hopefully he will never feel like he was the "forgotten 3rd child."

We had our friends, the Robinson's, over today for dinner. It was great to see them and reminisce about college days. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard! Thanks for the fun night, Cheri and Ryan. Jake is already talking about how excited he is to go 4 wheeling with you next year... ;) Cheri asked me how many teeth Josh has and I said 4, then I started feeling around in his mouth and realized his 5th tooth already came through and his 6th will break through very soon. I felt bad that I had not noticed that. I guess that's what happens when you have more kids. Again, I hope he never feels shafted (maybe after reading this post in a couple years, he might!)
Before the Robinson's got here, we had fun taking random pictures of each other. The kids were being silly and we were just having a good time together. I think the kids had daddy withdrawals since he just got back from a business trip in Nevada last night. They acted like they hadn't seen him for weeks (he was only gone two days!)

Emma took this picture. She was really excited to use the camera. It's pretty big for her tiny hands so I was impressed she could even hold it up and push the button. Good picture for a 3 year old!

Ben took this one. He kept telling me how hard it was to center the picture. He was concentrating so hard. It was really cute.

As for my workouts, I'm still going strong. I met with my trainer on Monday and he really worked me. It was great. I went home and felt good and then when I woke up I could barely move. It took 3 days for me to walk down the stairs normally! :) I guess that's a good sign though, shows I'm working hard and using muscles I don't normally use. I went to the gym again this morning. I did the weight training Kenton showed me on Monday and then I ran on the treadmill for 30 mins. My foot seemed to be feeling better so I thought I would give it a shot. Well, afterward my foot started hurting again in the exact same spot. It's frustrating! I really want to push myself hard and start running longer but with this weird pain I can't do that. Someone on this LDS website I post on occasionally sent me this website about stress fractures. It sounded exactly like what I was feeling except it doesn't hurt when I'm relaxing or sleeping, only when I walk on it. I found out the bone I hurt is the 4th metatarsal of my right foot (the top of the bone leading down to my 4th toe.) I think I might get it looked at if it doesn't heal soon. Hopefully it won't get to that point though.