It's hard to believe my baby is 18 months now. Josh had his first official day in nursery on Sunday. He cried for the first 10 minutes, had to have the nursery leader carry him around, then he fell asleep on the other nursery leader's lap for the last 30 minutes. Compared to our other kids' first experience in nursery, I would say this was a success! Josh had his 18-month well-check on Monday and weighs 23 lbs. 11 oz. and is 34" (which means 20% for weight and 90% for height... he's definitely a Schipaanboord!) His vocabulary consists of ball, mama, dada, up, balloon, woof, bye, meow and he can sign "more", "eat", "thirsty", "milk" and "all done." He can point to his nose, ears, eyes, teeth and tongue, but likes to point to other peoples' body parts instead of his own. Josh loves to copy his older brother and sister, especially with their night time routine. He has to be the first one to get a vitamin and pushes everyone out of the way so he can get his toothbrush first. He loves books but with a 20-second attention span, I have to summarize and turn the pages as fast as I can, unless it's a Jan Pienkowski pop-up book. He could look at those for at least 5 minutes! ;)) He loves to eat and speaking of eating, I just had to pull him out of the snack drawer because he dumped the pop tarts out and was eating one of them. Then he dropped it and Truman jumped at the chance to eat something other than dog food which made Josh cry. Nice. Josh has a huge balloon fetish. If he sees one he will automatically throw a tantrum, pointing to the "boon" until he gets one or I distract him with something else (which is pretty tough!) Last month I took Ben to get his haircut. While we were waiting Josh walked right up to a kid who had just finished and tried to steal his balloon. The kid was very nice and ended up giving it to him. I'm not sure I want to be rewarding that kind of behavior, but Josh felt differently. Even amidst the balloon tantrums and pop tart fiascos, he is still my lovable little guy. I love his big hugs, slobbery kisses, and huge laughs. Our family wouldn't be the same without our Joshua Dean!
Here is a video I took of him this morning. I love his little giggle as he is running to get the ball. He has the sweetest laugh!
A Clumsy Pondering on Asherah, Wisdom, Mom
5 years ago
So Cute, it made me laugh to watch it!
So are you ready for another?! Josh isn't a baby anymore you know. We have decided to have another baby as soon as I get my IUD removed. Who knows when that will be though. Josh does have an adorable laugh.
He is such a stud! How can anyone help but smile at that smile. We took Allison to nursery last Sunday to get her used to it and she loved it and was already trying to steal the big kids treats during snack time! haha we thought she would be harder to transition than Emmie was but I guess we were wrong. So is your church during nap time as well? Ours is and that makes for a little more grumpy kiddos!
He's so funny. All Gav says is, "I want snacks. I want up. I want down, I want I want I want." I'm kinda sick of 18 mo old talk :) We should get our boys together to chase balls.
He's a cutie! He has the cutest smile. I love it!
Ah, he's so cute - but of course he is all of your kids are adorable! I like the video, it's always fun to see them in action. I'll be happy to meet him in a few months!:)
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