I joined Gold's Gym today and even have a personal trainer, Kenton. He's going to help me kick my butt into shape and hopefully a couple months from now I'll have a smokin' hot bod. I wasn't too sure if I would join because I thought it was pretty spendy and it's not super close to our house... but I went for a tour today and spoke with a couple people and now I'm sold. I will only pay about $25/mo for a 3 year membership. This includes the classes and even daycare for the kids. I'm paying a little extra for my trainer but to me it's worth it. I'm ready to get down and dirty and need a pro to guide me along. I want to run the Salt Lake City 1/2 marathon next year and I think this will definitely help me get there.
Goodbye baby fat! I won't miss you at all!!
Good luck!!! It's a hard road, isn't it? I definitely feel your pain.
You go girl! If you have a year to train you definetely can run the full marathon. What I've learned is that it is only a mind game you play with yourself. If you can talk yourself into running a half marathon I KNOW you can talk yourself into running a full. I certainly enjoyed running my full marathon and will most likely do it again next year. If you need moral support for whatever you decide to run I am totally behind you.
I am currently fighting the battle of the bulge to. You are going to have to watch what you eat while you are working hard at the gym. It is a long hard process. Blah!
By the way an elderly neighbor of mine asked me if I was pregnant last night. SERIOUSLY, stop asking ladies ones ego can only take such much of a beating. Weight loss, dieting, and ego beatings look what our society makes us put up with. It is a shame.
I was totally laughing. I love how you put things! You go girl!
Lets have a competition!! You'll win, but it'll keep me going. Maybe:) PS you shouldn've talked to Dave. He can get you a three year membership for only $12/month (VIP too). Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. But maybe he can get it changed retrospectively?! Call him!
Good for you Jamie!! I am also working on the bulge but mine was not exactly baby fat. Good luck!!
Take Care!
ALRIGHT! I am envious of the classes and trainer, I'd love to have some of that, if only I could keep motivated and go everyday. I love the post and it talked to me. I was hoping to lose weight on this trek but I don't feel like I have so far, we'll see! Keep up the good work!
Sure you are going to run the SL half marathon, I've heard that before! :) Good for you, Jamie. I can't wait to see that cute little body of yours.
The salt lake city half huh?? When is it??? I am doing a Sprint Triathalon in September and a 10K Obstacle course in October and though I'd tackle a half next year... You know they have one inside Disneyland... I figure if you die running it at least your family will get lifetime passes right?
I am so proud ofyou Jamie! I was just thinking about how I miss going to a gym andCAN'T HARDLY WAIT until that is a possibility for me again....now is not the time that I am 32 weeks prego with child #4, but I really want it back, everyday. I can't wait to hear how your successes are!
Jamie you are doing exactly what I need to be doing. This kid thing has done a number on my body for sure. Gotta love it. You are an inspiration. I told Ben after we saw you at the Bee's game that you were looking good. (that was before I even read this) Keep up the good, hard work.
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