I took Emma to Kiddie Kandids today for her 4-year shots. As I helped her get her dress on in the bathroom at the mall, she asked me "Mom? Will people tell me how pretty I am in my dress?" I said probably not, but I bet everyone will be thinking it. That seemed to satisfy her and as we were walking to Kiddie Kandids a grandma pointed to Emma and told her two young granddaughters to "look at the pretty girl." Emma looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face. It made her day. Yesterday we went to Burlington Coat Factory and there are these mirrors at the end of each aisle. Emma was walking ahead of me and didn't realize I was watching her. At each mirror she would stop, stare at herself, blow herself a kiss, and then move on to the next mirror. Oh my! Jake and I are in for trouble with this one... I'm sure of it. I bought her a pink headband at The Children's Place today. Tonight she came running out of her room in her pink pajamas and new headband and said "Mom, I LOVE my new headband because it's pink and it matches my pajamas. I just looked in the mirror and I look SO pretty." She's definitely a girl, a very confident one. ;)
A Clumsy Pondering on Asherah, Wisdom, Mom
5 years ago